All in Be Authentic

Sweeping "Uncouth" Narratives

There is no specific outline or box to define the black voice in writing. All of our narratives are essential to reach wherever we are in life. It’s all one collective that’s absolutely beautiful if you step back and browse through all of our stories. There is an imprint within the black voice in the literature that continues to subtly mark stories as low art or high art and it does no one any good. If you are a writer, experiment with the various black authors before you, and then write your story your way. Unapologetically write your story, as it is recognizing this: Once you wake up black and you write your story—that is the black voice.

Gratitude: Quarantine Edition

My gut whispered that everything would be okay. My gut was saying one thing while my surroundings said another. 5 months later and you know what: Everything is okay. It isn’t perfect. Bonafide shit storm. We’re still in a pandemic.


Damnit, I am here. And there are a few things that I am thankful for during this quarantine and pandemic.